Laptop OS Installation service (windows operating system) provided with the latest operating system.

Service repair times – Same day or 1 to 3 days

A full install of the computers operating system with all service packs, updates, drivers and security measures and other software updates would be carried out

Generally, Laptop OS (Operating System) installation service is required, when you are missing the install disks or the Hard drive backup partition has failed due to a corrupt or even a damaged hard drive.

We install Windows Operating System for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10.

Security software and a standard suite of software will also be installed.

Windows Operating System Upgrade

Are you using an old / outdated windows operating system? Using an outdated operating system can cause your laptop to be susceptible to virus and malware, as these operating systems are not supported by Microsoft and hence no security updates are pushed by Microsoft.

We can upgrade your OS to the latest Microsoft OS. Upgrade paths available for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 users. This means you can upgrade to Windows 10 without paying for the windows 10 License.